
Unveiling the 'Sleepy Girl Mocktail' Trend: Does It Really Improve Sleep?

Ethan Sulliva
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Unveiling the 'Sleepy Girl Mocktail' Trend: Does It Really Improve Sleep?


The Viral 'Sleepy Girl Mocktail' Trend


There's a new trend sweeping across social media platforms, particularly TikTok, that claims to promote better sleep. Coined as the 'Sleepy Girl Mocktail', this wellness creation by Gracie Norton has gained over 4.2 million views and sparked interest in its simple yet intriguing recipe. The drink comprises tart cherry juice, powdered magnesium supplement, and Lemon Lime OLIPOP, or soda water, and is suggested to be consumed 30 minutes to an hour before bed for optimal results.

The Science Behind the Ingredients

The potential sleep benefits of the 'sleepy girl mocktail' are attributed to its key components - tart cherry juice and magnesium. Tart cherry juice is known for its high amounts of natural melatonin, anti-inflammatory properties, and its ability to increase melatonin production and calm the nervous system. Research has shown that tart cherry juice can indeed increase sleep quality and quantity. Similarly, magnesium is known to enhance the production of melatonin and improve sleep outcomes. However, the precise dose for sleep benefits remains a subject of study.


Considering Other Factors

While the ingredients of the mocktail do show promise, the timing, consistency, and sugar content of the drink are important factors to consider. The mocktail may help signal the start of winding down and provide better quality sleep, but individual sleep habits and underlying conditions also play a significant role in sleep quality. It's also worth noting that other common evening beverages such as herbal tisanes or teas, hot chocolate, or warm milk, each have their own benefits for sleep.

Experts' Take on The Trend


Experts have varying opinions on the effectiveness of the 'sleepy girl mocktail'. While some support the benefits of tart cherry juice and magnesium, others believe the effects may be more related to the placebo effect. The Cleveland Clinic states that the drink could help with relaxation and falling asleep faster, due to the anti-inflammatory effects of tart cherries and the calming effects of magnesium. Nevertheless, researchers who study supplements and sleep remain skeptical, stating that the effectiveness of tart cherry juice and magnesium as sleep aids has not been conclusively proven.

Proceed with Caution

While the 'sleepy girl mocktail' presents a natural and easy-to-prepare option for those seeking better sleep, it is important to proceed with caution. Doctors advise consulting with a physician before trying this trend, especially for those with certain medical conditions or taking prescription medications. If sleep problems persist despite trying multiple strategies, it is recommended to seek professional advice. Remember, the 'sleepy girl mocktail' may be worth a try, but it isn't a guaranteed way to fall asleep.

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