
White tongue

Discover 8 things you should know about white tongue drugs and supplements. From antifungals and probiotics to vitamin supplements and home remedies, learn how these treatments can help reduce the white coating on your tongue. Find out which medications and supplements are recommended and understand how they work to address the underlying causes of white tongue. Don't let white tongue bother you any longer - explore these options for a healthier oral environment.

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8 Things You Should Know About White Tongue Drugs and Supplements


White tongue is a condition where the tongue has a white or yellow coating on it. It is commonly caused by a buildup of bacteria and other substances on the tongue. While it is often harmless, it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition or of poor oral hygiene. In some cases, medications or supplements may be recommended to help treat the underlying cause of white tongue. Here are 8 things you should know about white tongue drugs and supplements.

1. Antifungals

Antifungal medications are usually recommended for white tongue caused by an overgrowth of a fungal organism, such as Candida albicans or Thrush. These medications may include nystatin, fluconazole, or clotrimazole. The medications are generally topical and are applied directly to the tongue. They can be available in the form of a lozenge, a mouth rinse, or a topical cream.


2. Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the body. Taking probiotics may help to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria on the tongue. Probiotics may be found in yogurt, some dairy products, and in supplement form.

3. Antihistamines


In some cases, antihistamines may be recommended to help reduce white tongue caused by allergies. Antihistamines are medications that can help alleviate symptoms related to allergies, such as sneezing, itching, and runny noses. They work by blocking histamine, which is a substance in the body that triggers allergic reactions.

4. Vitamin Supplements

Certain vitamin supplements are known to help reduce white tongue. Vitamin B12 has been shown to be particularly effective in treating white tongue caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Other vitamins, such as zinc and folic acid, may also help reduce white tongue caused by nutrient deficiency.


5. Antibiotics

Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat white tongue caused by an infection. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are penicillin, amoxicillin, and erythromycin. These medications are taken either orally or topically depending on the nature of the infection.

6. Toothpaste


Certain types of toothpaste may also be recommended for reducing white tongue. These toothpastes typically contain abrasives or chemicals that can help reduce the buildup of bacteria and other substances on the tongue.

7. Oral Rinses

Mouthwashes or oral rinses containing antiseptics may be recommended to help reduce the buildup of bacteria on the tongue. These products can also be used to help soothe or numb uncomfortable sensations caused by the white tongue. Certain mouthwashes are also formulated to help reduce bad breath caused by white tongue.


8. Home Remedies

There are also a number of home remedies that may be used to help reduce white tongue. These remedies typically involve the use of natural ingredients, such as baking soda and vinegar. Saltwater rinses and tongue scrapers may also be used to remove the buildup of bacteria on the tongue.

In conclusion, white tongue is a common condition that is often harmless but may indicate underlying medical issues. In some cases, medications or supplements may be recommended to help treat the underlying cause of white tongue. It is important to discuss any concerns with your doctor to determine the root cause and the best treatment options.

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