
Saudi Arabian aid center is launching a heart surgery project in Yemen

Discover the Saudi Arabian aid center's heart surgery project in Yemen and their ongoing commitment to providing aid and assistance to disadvantaged countries worldwide. Learn about the success of their volunteer medical staff and the long-standing tradition of generosity from Saudi Arabia.

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The Saudi Fund for Development, which was established in 1974 to aid economic improvement in disadvantaged countries, has assisted 55 countries in four years.


The 12th Voluntary Medical Project for Open Heart Surgery for Adults in Al-Mukalla was inaugurated on Sunday by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center as part of the city's Nabd Al-Saudia Volunteer Program for Cardiac Catheterization and Surgery.

The event will take place from May 29 to June 3. The center's volunteer medical staff has successfully performed eight open-heart procedures. Separately, the general administrator of the institution remarked that Saudi Arabia has a long tradition of generosity and aid to the world's needy.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah gave a lecture at the Islamic University's headquarters in Madinah. He reminded the audience that Saudi Arabia gave $94.6 billion to 165 nations worldwide between 1996 and 2021. Al-Rabeeah chronicles Saudi Arabia's humanitarian history. Despite the Kingdom's limited resources at the time, he claimed, it supplied relief to victims of the 1950 Punjab floods all over the world.

The Saudi Fund for Development, which was established in 1974 to aid economic improvement in disadvantaged countries, has assisted 55 countries in four years. Official gifts were given to victims of the Kosovo War in 1999 and the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

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