
Suicide and suicidal thoughts

Learn effective tips for dealing with suicidal thoughts and helping yourself in this informative article. Explore the importance of acknowledging and managing these thoughts, identifying triggers, seeking support from loved ones or professionals, practicing self-care strategies, and knowing when to seek professional help. Take the first step towards managing and overcoming suicidal thoughts.

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How to Deal with Suicidal Thoughts: Tips for Helping Yourself


1. Acknowledge the Urge to Commit Suicide

It is important to note that having thoughts of suicide is not irrational or unnatural. It comes from extreme psychological pain and irritation that can cause you to do whatever it takes to make it stop. Acknowledging these thoughts and taking steps to manage them is the first step towards dealing with them.

2. Identify What Triggers Suicidal Thoughts


Identifying the underlying causes for your suicidal thoughts is key for understanding how to manage them. Common triggers can include stress, a major life change such as a death or break up or a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety. Once you have identified what is triggering your thoughts, you can start to address the root cause.

3. Talk to People and Get Support

Talking to a friend, family member, therapist or local helpline can help with suicidal thoughts. Discussing your feelings can provide you with much needed relief and help you to get better perspective on the situation. Talking to someone can also give you the strength to reach out for more help if needed.


4. Self Care Strategies to Combat Suicidal Urges

It is important to have self-care strategies to help manage your suicidal thoughts when they arise. This could include making time for leisure activities, being more mindful of your thoughts and feelings, getting regular exercise, practicing deep breathing and relaxation exercises, limiting your exposure to stress and taking time out to rest and reflect.

5. Seeking Professional Help

If your suicidal thoughts are impacting your daily life or it is becoming difficult to cope, it is important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide support and guidance to help you manage your thoughts and emotions. They may also be able to refer you to medication or therapy which can help you move past your suicidal thoughts.

Many people are scared to admit they are dealing with suicidal thoughts but it is important to analyze the facts and reach out for help. Remember there is support available and any form of help is a step towards managing suicidal thoughts.

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