
The Ethical and Psychological Implications of Recreating Deceased Loved Ones Using AI

Anthony Raphael
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The Ethical and Psychological Implications of Recreating Deceased Loved Ones Using AI

The Ethical and Psychological Implications of Recreating Deceased Loved Ones Using AI


The Dawn of AI Resurrection


The concept of using artificial intelligence (AI) to resurrect a deceased individual is a topic that is currently stirring significant debate. With AI chatbots becoming increasingly convincing due to training on internet text, concerns have been raised about the potential implications of training such AI solely on archived writings of a single person. This practice could recreate the persona of the deceased, which, while undoubtedly fascinating, has been warned by researchers to potentially harm mental health, create dependence on technology, and even lead to the formation of a new religion.

Concerns About Mental Health and Dependence

The idea of bringing back a loved one through AI may seem comforting, but researchers caution that it could have harmful effects. Constantly interacting with an AI version of a deceased loved one could potentially impede the natural grieving process, leaving individuals stuck in a state of denial. This could lead to prolonged grief and other mental health issues. Furthermore, there's a risk that people may become overly dependent on the technology, prioritizing their interactions with the AI version over forming new, real-life relationships.


The New ‘AI Religion’

Another concern raised by researchers is the potential formation of a new religion centered around AI. The belief in an AI entity that can capture the essence of a deceased person could give rise to a new form of spiritualism, which might have profound societal implications. This could challenge existing religious and philosophical beliefs about life, death, and the afterlife.

Debating the Essence of a Person


The debate also extends to whether AI can truly capture the essence of a person. Can a machine, trained on text and audio, recreate someone’s emotions, experiences, and moral agency? This philosophical debate is reminiscent of the 19th-century discussions surrounding portrait photography. Just as photographers claimed to capture a person's essence in their portraits, some death tech platforms assert that AI technology can recreate the essence of a person. However, this idea is contentious and raises many questions about identity, authenticity, and what it truly means to be human.

AI Artistry and Controversy

AI's potential in recreating deceased personas isn’t just theoretical—it has been put to practice in the art world. Artists have used AI to create ultra-realistic portraits of deceased celebrities, pushing the boundaries of AI-generated art. However, this practice has also sparked controversy, particularly regarding its impact on human illustrators and the ethical implications of posthumously recreating a person’s likeness.

Striking a Balance

As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibility of recreating deceased individuals becomes more realistic. However, it's crucial to consider the ethical and psychological implications of such practice. Strict regulations and guidelines may be needed to ensure this technology is used responsibly and does not cause harm. As we forge ahead into this new era of AI, we must strike a balance between technological advancement and the preservation of our humanity.

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