
Sweating it Out With Foundation On: How Exercise Makeup Affects Your Skin

Ethan Sulliva
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Sweating it Out With Foundation On: How Exercise Makeup Affects Your Skin

Sweating it Out With Foundation On: How Exercise Makeup Affects Your Skin


Imagine lacing up your sneakers, ready to hit the treadmill, your face lightly brushed with your favorite foundation. It's a common scenario for many, blending the lines between skincare, wellness, and beauty. But what impact does this habit have on your skin's health during exercise? A recent study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology sheds light on the effects of wearing cosmetic foundation while engaging in aerobic activities, offering insights that might make you reconsider your pre-workout routine.


The Experiment and Its Findings

The study involved 43 healthy college students, diving into how foundation affects skin moisture, elasticity, pore size, and oil levels during exercise. Participants had foundation applied to one half of their face, leaving the other half bare as a control for comparison. After a 20-minute treadmill run, the results were telling. The area with makeup saw a greater increase in moisture levels and skin elasticity compared to the non-makeup side. This suggests that makeup can act as a barrier, preventing moisture from evaporating as it normally would during a sweat session.

However, it wasn't all positive. The study also highlighted potential downsides to wearing makeup during exercise. The size of pores did not increase significantly in the makeup-covered areas, hinting at a potential for clogged pores. Furthermore, oil levels decreased in the makeup zones, a factor that could contribute to skin dryness, particularly for those already prone to dry skin conditions.


Balancing Beauty and Skin Health

What does this mean for the fitness enthusiast who prefers not to bare it all at the gym? The research suggests that for optimal skin health, removing makeup before exercising is advisable. Dongsun Park, Ph.D., from the Korea National University of Education, emphasizes the importance of allowing your skin to breathe and sweat naturally during physical activity, free from the barrier makeup creates.

Yet, the study acknowledges the reality that for many, going makeup-free during a workout isn't an option. In these cases, experts like aesthetician Grace Day recommend opting for lighter makeup and ensuring a thorough cleansing post-exercise. This approach minimizes potential skin issues while accommodating those who feel more comfortable with some coverage.


The Pursuit of Healthy, Happy Skin

The conversation around makeup and exercise is more than skin deep, touching on issues of self-confidence, societal expectations, and personal wellness. While the study offers valuable insights, it also opens the door to a broader discussion about how we balance our fitness goals with our skincare routines. As we continue to navigate these choices, the key takeaway remains clear: understanding the effects of our habits on our skin's health is crucial in making informed decisions that serve our well-being.

In a world where the lines between wellness, beauty, and fitness increasingly blur, this study serves as a reminder of the importance of listening to our bodies and treating our skin with the care it deserves. Whether you choose to wear makeup during your next workout or not, the goal is the same: to foster a healthy relationship with our skin, inside and out.

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