
The Importance of Safe Sleep Practices to Prevent Infant Mortality

Mason Walker
New Update

The Importance of Safe Sleep Practices to Prevent Infant Mortality


In the United States, approximately 3,400 babies die in their sleep each year, due to causes such as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and airway obstruction. These tragic deaths are often linked to unsafe sleep practices. Recognizing this critical issue, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued recommendations to help ensure the safety of infants during sleep.


The ABCs of Safe Sleep

The basics of safe sleep for babies are often referred to as the ABCs. According to a guide published on, these are: babies should sleep Alone, on their Backs, and in a Crib or bassinet with a firm sleep surface. The guide further details the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and provides recommendations to reduce such risks. It also features advice from two pediatricians on real-life situations, such as the safety of infant loungers and the use of car seats for sleep.

Safe Sleep NC: A Model Program


Safe Sleep NC, a program of the UNC Center for Maternal and Infant Health, is an excellent example of a concerted effort to promote safe sleep practices. The program aims to strengthen the adoption of safe sleep practices to reduce the risk of SIDS and prevent other infant sleep-related deaths, such as accidental asphyxiation and suffocation. The Safe Sleep NC website offers a wealth of resources, including printable materials, videos, and FAQs, to inform and educate parents and caregivers.

Understanding SUID and SIDS

The Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition website explains that Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), which includes SIDS, is the leading cause of injury death in infancy across the country. Inappropriate bedding, not placing the baby on their back to sleep, and not using an infant bed are among the top risk factors associated with these deaths.


Updated Recommendations from the AAP

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a safe sleep environment and other evidence-based tactics to reduce the risk of all sleep-related infant deaths. The AAP Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn have updated these recommendations, which are available on the website. The website also provides an opportunity for individuals to become a Cribs for Kids ® Safe Sleep Ambassador.

Success Stories: Kent County

Efforts to improve safe sleep practices are bearing fruit in some areas. For example, in Kent County, infant deaths related to unsafe sleep practices have declined, thanks to the health department's work in providing more information and resources to families. The Safe Sleep Program in Kent County has partnered with local emergency medical services and fire agencies to offer education and resources to families on safe sleep.

Through combined efforts of healthcare professionals, public health agencies, and informed parents and caregivers, it’s possible to significantly reduce the number of sleep-related infant deaths. By adhering to safe sleep practices, every parent can contribute to the wellbeing and safety of their infant.

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