
APHA’s New Policy Statements: A Commitment to Equitable Healthcare and Public Health Advocacy

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APHA’s New Policy Statements: A Commitment to Equitable Healthcare and Public Health Advocacy


The American Public Health Association (APHA) is once again at the forefront of addressing critical public health concerns. APHA has released new policy statements addressing some of the most pressing issues of our times, including vaccine equity, youth physical activity, care of incarcerated people, and forcible displacement. These statements, available in their final versions online, reflect APHA's unwavering commitment to advocate for equitable healthcare practices and public health initiatives.


APHA’s New Member Webinar: A Platform for Public Health Advocacy

The APHA is actively engaging its members and the public through informative webinars. One such event is the APHA New Member Webinar, designed to help members maximize their involvement and understand the state of public health. This webinar emphasizes the importance of public health in improving the quality of life, extending life expectancy, reducing human suffering, and saving long-term resources. It also encourages donations to APHA to promote and protect the health of all people. More details about this webinar can be found here.

Safe Systems Approach: Incorporating Public Health Principles into Transportation Planning


Another noteworthy APHA initiative is the Safe Systems Approach webinar. This webinar explores new research on how public health principles can be incorporated into transportation planning and engineering to improve roadway safety. It underscores the need for cross-disciplinary efforts that align with transportation decarbonization and equity goals. The webinar, co-sponsored by ITE and Vision Zero Network, is an important contribution to the intersection of public health and transportation. More about this webinar can be found here.

APHA’s Policy Statements: Advocacy for Public Health

The new policy statements released by the APHA address various public health issues such as healthcare access, environmental health, and social determinants of health. The APHA is dedicated to advocating for policy changes and promoting public health initiatives that have a far-reaching impact on society. Details about these policy statements can be found here.


The Power of Policy in Public Health

The APHA also provides a field guide for public health practitioners on engaging with policymakers and creating a healthier world. This guide underscores the power of policy in public health, highlighting the significance of improving quality of life, extending life expectancy, and reducing human suffering. The APHA, as a non-profit organization, is committed to promoting and protecting the health of all people. More information about this can be found here.

In conclusion, the APHA's new policy statements and initiatives are a testament to their ongoing commitment to addressing public health concerns and advocating for equitable healthcare practices. By providing resources and platforms for public health advocacy, the APHA continues to lead the way in creating a healthier world for all.

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