
Revival of Gas and Air Pain Relief at Peterborough Hospital Maternity Unit: A Positive Step Toward Enhanced Maternity Care

Zara Nwosu
New Update

Revival of Gas and Air Pain Relief at Peterborough Hospital Maternity Unit: A Positive Step Toward Enhanced Maternity Care


A Welcome Reintroduction of Gas and Air in Maternity Care


The maternity unit at Peterborough City Hospital has reintroduced the use of gas and air for pain relief during childbirth, a decision highly anticipated by both patients and medical practitioners. This move comes after a successful trial, underscoring its effectiveness in providing pain relief for women in labor. The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust took this step after failed attempts to improve ventilation and due to concerns about staff exposure to nitrous oxide, a component of the gas and air mixture, also known as Entonox.

Addressing Staff Safety Concerns

The use of gas and air had previously been suspended due to safety concerns for the staff. Nitrous oxide, a component of the gas and air mixture, can pose potential risks when the hospital staff is continually exposed to it. To address these concerns, the North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust has introduced mobile scavenger units. These units effectively extract the exhaled Entonox, maintaining safe environmental levels and ensuring the safety of both the patients and the staff.


Effective Pain Relief for Women in Labor

The decision to reintroduce gas and air at the Peterborough hospital maternity unit is based on the results of a successful trial that showcased its effectiveness in providing pain relief for women in labor. This move was also prompted by feedback from women who found the option helpful during their labor. The introduction of gas and air offers expectant mothers more choices for pain relief during childbirth, enhancing their experience at the hospital.

Improving Maternity Care Services


The reintroduction of gas and air at the maternity unit of Peterborough hospital signifies an important step towards improving the maternity care services at the hospital. The director of midwifery has welcomed this move, affirming that it was a high priority for the trust. By offering more options for pain relief during childbirth, the hospital is ensuring a better experience for mothers, reflecting their commitment to patient-centered care.


The reintroduction of gas and air at Peterborough City Hospital's maternity unit is a significant development that promises to improve the childbirth experience for expectant mothers. By addressing staff safety concerns and providing more pain relief options, the hospital continues to demonstrate its dedication to enhancing maternity care services. This move underscores the importance of continually assessing and refining healthcare practices to ensure the safety and satisfaction of both patients and healthcare providers.

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