
Understanding and Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in Generation Z

Dr. Jessica Nelson
New Update

Understanding and Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in Generation Z


The Mental Health Crisis in Generation Z


Generation Z, the generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is facing a mental health crisis. This generation has been linked to increased levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. The reasons for this mental health crisis are multifaceted, ranging from world-altering changes like climate change and the economy to the rise of the internet and social media. According to the American Psychological Association, 68% of Gen Z adults feel stressed about the nation’s future, leading to a mindset of constant fear and despair.

The Impact of Social Media and Information Overload

The internet and social media have made information more accessible than ever before. However, this accessibility can also be overwhelming, leading to heightened levels of stress and anxiety. The constant stream of news, especially about global issues, can lead to a sense of despair and hopelessness. This, coupled with the unrealistic expectations placed on Gen Z to change and save the world, has contributed to the mental health crisis.


The Loneliness Crisis and the Role of Community Groups

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated feelings of isolation and loneliness among Gen Z. However, social media and community groups have emerged as potential solutions to this problem. Social clubs like City Señoras, formed by Jaqueline Padilla and Alexis Mendias, have found success in creating a self-care community for young women in New York City. Such groups can help to foster a sense of belonging and combat feelings of loneliness.

The Workplace and Mental Health


The workplace can also significantly impact Gen Z's mental health. A 2022 Gallup survey revealed that 47% of U.S. workers aged 18-29 reported that their jobs negatively impact their mental health. The shift to remote work due to the pandemic has further highlighted the need for regular check-ins, open communication, and the fostering of an empathetic work culture. Employers, policymakers, and mental health advocates must take urgent action to address this issue.

The Role of Higher Education Institutions

Higher education institutions also play a crucial role in addressing the mental health crisis. Data shows an increase in reporting of mental health conditions among Gen Z students, with women and care experienced applicants being more likely to declare these conditions. However, there is a high withdrawal rate among males, especially from minority ethnic groups, due to the lack of support and reluctance to seek help. Institutions must provide better support services and promote open discussions about mental health.

The Importance of Understanding and Supporting Generation Z

It is clear that Generation Z is facing a mental health crisis of unprecedented proportions. Companies, brands, and institutions must make concerted efforts to understand and engage with Gen Z. Incorporating their values of social responsibility, empathy, and activism and giving them a platform to be heard can help to build trust and provide much-needed support. These efforts, combined with professional help and building resilience, can help Gen Z navigate this crisis and work towards a healthier future.

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