
FDA Advances in Health Technology: Embracing the Future of Medical VR/AR

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FDA Advances in Health Technology: Embracing the Future of Medical VR/AR


Health technology has seen remarkable leaps over the past decade, with advancements like Medical Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) leading the way. Recognizing the growing impact of these technologies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released resources to help patients evaluate the risks and benefits of medical VR/AR. This move signifies the FDA's commitment to enabling patients to make informed decisions about their medical treatments.


Establishing an Advisory Committee for Digital Health Technology

As part of its digital health initiatives, the FDA has established an advisory committee for Digital Health Technology. This committee is expected to be fully operational by 2024, as indicated by Managed Healthcare Executive. In addition to its VR/AR initiatives, the FDA is also focusing on gene therapies for diseases like sickle cell, having approved two therapies, one of which employs CRISPR technology. This commitment to health technology also extends to tackling medical debt challenges and reviewing drugs for rare diseases.

Seeking Talent for the Digital Health Center of Excellence


The FDA is not just focusing on policy but is also investing in talent. It is seeking candidates for multiple positions in the Digital Health Center of Excellence, including roles for software engineers, data scientists, and clinicians. There is a particular focus on revolutionizing digital diagnostics and therapeutics and evaluating digital health medical devices.

The Growing Role of AI and Computer Vision in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision (CV) are becoming increasingly integral to healthcare, especially in diagnostics and procedure assistance. The FDA has approved over 520 AI medical algorithms related to medical imaging, as reported by Forbes Tech Council. AI-based CV solutions have the potential to reduce technical mistakes in surgical procedures, though there are challenges to adoption, including insufficient training and potential malfunctions.


Proposed Rule for Lab Developed Tests (LDTs)

The FDA's proposed rule on LDTs has stirred considerable discussion. While some stakeholders, including laboratory trade groups and providers, oppose the increased regulatory oversight, others highlight the need for comprehensive diagnostics regulatory reform.

Surging Interest in Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)

According to ScienceDaily, there is a growing academic and business interest in Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). This billion-dollar market is transforming healthcare services, and the need for clarity on innovation, the market landscape, and the regulatory environment has never been greater.

In conclusion, the FDA's advancement in digital health technology is a testament to the evolving healthcare landscape. With initiatives like the advisory committee, new job openings, and proposed regulatory reforms, the FDA is not only acknowledging the significance of health technology but actively working towards its integration into everyday medical practice. As patients, it is crucial to stay informed and understand these new technologies' benefits and risks that are revolutionizing our healthcare experience.

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