
Ensuring ICT Accessibility: Insights from the Upcoming Government-wide Section 508 Assessment Webinar

Anthony Raphael
New Update

Ensuring ICT Accessibility: Insights from the Upcoming Government-wide Section 508 Assessment Webinar


The Importance of ICT Accessibility in Federal Agencies


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a crucial role in the daily operations of federal agencies. From the dissemination of information to the execution of government services, ICT is at the heart of modern governance. However, the accessibility of these technologies, particularly for people with disabilities, remains a significant concern. This importance has led to the organization of a webinar on January 30 to discuss highlights from the new government-wide Section 508 Assessment.

U.S. Access Board Meeting and Webcast

As part of its commitment to ensuring ICT accessibility, the U.S. Access Board will be hosting a meeting and webcast on January 24. This event will feature a guest presentation by Andrew Nielson, Director of the Government-wide IT Accessibility Program. The meeting, open to the public, will include reports from Board committees, federal agency updates, and a briefing on the FY 23 Government-wide Section 508 Assessment.


Current State of Federal Website Accessibility

A report submitted by the General Services Administration (GSA) to Congress revealed that federal website accessibility is currently well below expectations. More than 75% of agencies are at or below average in compliance with Section 508. Additionally, less than 30% of top-viewed online content conforms with accessibility standards. This report calls for mandatory Section 508 training, increased agency oversight, and potential new steps for Congress enforcement.

Government's Efforts Towards Improved Accessibility


President Biden has taken significant steps to enhance accessibility in the federal workforce. The Executive Order 14035, titled 'Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce,' started a government-wide effort to ensure that federal workforce serves as a model for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Additionally, some agencies, like the Small Business Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, are aligning with the new OMB requirements to ensure website accessibility.

Upcoming Federal Government ICT Accessibility Webinar

The upcoming federal&show_text=false&width=500&t=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen> government ICT accessibility webinar is set to provide valuable insights into improving ICT accessibility. The webinar will feature experts in the field and will discuss the highlights from the government-wide Section 508 Assessment. Interested individuals can join the webinar virtually to gain insights into the current state of ICT accessibility in federal agencies and the steps being taken to improve it.


ICT accessibility is not just a legal requirement; it is a necessity to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, can access and benefit from federal services. The upcoming webinar is an excellent opportunity to learn about the government's efforts in this regard and the future direction of ICT accessibility. Let's join the conversation and play our part in creating a more inclusive digital environment.

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