
Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Uninsured Adults Through the Bridge Access Program

Ayanna Amadi
New Update

Free COVID-19 Vaccines for Uninsured Adults Through the Bridge Access Program


The Bridge Access Program


The Bridge Access Program, a significant initiative by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is providing free COVID-19 vaccines for uninsured adults. The program aims to ensure vaccine accessibility to all, regardless of their insurance status. An enrollment process or application is not required, simplifying the procedure for obtaining a vaccine. The updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine, which is effective against various virus variants, is available for everyone aged six months or older. You can find a COVID-19 vaccine near you by clicking here.

Support for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults

Through the Bridge Access Program, the CDC is not only offering free vaccines to uninsured adults but also to those whose health insurance plans do not fully cover them. The program is a crucial step towards attaining widespread immunity against the virus. Both public and private payers are covering COVID-19 vaccines, treatments, and tests for uninsured individuals. also offers no-cost vaccines to adults without health insurance.


Submit Your Public Comments to the CDC

You are encouraged to submit public comments to the CDC regarding the availability of updated COVID vaccines for all ages and the need for more frequent boosting and updates to the vaccines. Your input can help shape the public health response to the ongoing pandemic. The CDC values personalized comments that reference scientific evidence for the need for more frequent vaccine updates. Instructions for submitting public comments and attending the online CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Meeting can be found here.

COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Nursing Facilities


Despite the availability of free vaccines, uptake of the most recent COVID-19 vaccine among nursing facility residents and staff remains low. Only 38% of residents and 15% of staff are up to date with their vaccines, which is lower than the uptake for the previous vaccine. Uptake rates vary significantly between states, with Vermont and North Dakota showing the highest rates. Federal vaccine clinics have contributed to high initial vaccination rates among nursing facility residents, but without ongoing federal initiatives, uptake may remain low. Periodic vaccines have been shown to decrease mortality and increase antibody concentrations among nursing facility residents. Hence, it is crucial to encourage and facilitate vaccination among this high-risk population.

Importance of Updated COVID-19 Vaccines

Getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine is essential to protect oneself from serious illness. With the virus constantly evolving, and new variants emerging, updated vaccines are designed to offer broad protection. Over half of previously vaccinated adults are not worried about getting COVID-19, which can lead to complacency in getting updated vaccines. However, it is crucial to keep our guard up and get vaccinated, especially given the disproportionate impact of the virus on vulnerable populations and healthcare systems worldwide.

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