
Canada's Opioid Crisis: Recovery-Focused Solutions Over 'Safer Supply'

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Canada's Opioid Crisis: Recovery-Focused Solutions Over 'Safer Supply'

Canada's Opioid Crisis: Recovery-Focused Solutions Over 'Safer Supply'


Canada is facing a devastating opioid crisis, with thousands of lives lost to overdoses each year. In response to this crisis, the concept of 'safer supply' has gained attention as a potential solution. 'Safer supply' programs aim to provide pharmaceutical-grade drugs to individuals with substance use disorder, with the goal of reducing the harms associated with street drugs.


The Failure of 'Safer Supply' Programs

In a recent article, Laila Goodridge challenges the effectiveness of 'safer supply' programs and advocates for a recovery-focused approach. She argues that simply providing pharmaceutical-grade drugs does not address the underlying issues of addiction and does not support individuals in their journey toward recovery. Goodridge emphasizes the need for evidence-based treatment and comprehensive support services to help individuals overcome substance use disorder.

The Importance of Recovery-Oriented Solutions


Goodridge's perspective highlights the need to shift the focus from 'safer supply' to recovery-oriented solutions. This includes expanding access to evidence-based treatment, promoting harm reduction strategies, and addressing the social determinants of health that contribute to substance use disorder.

A Call for Action

Goodridge's article also draws attention to the Conservative Party's plan for treatment, recovery, and a lawsuit against big pharma. This reinforces the importance of policy and legislative actions to support recovery-focused solutions and hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for their role in the opioid crisis.


The opioid crisis in Canada requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. While 'safer supply' programs have been proposed as a solution, Laila Goodridge's perspective challenges this notion and advocates for a recovery-focused approach. By prioritizing evidence-based treatment, support services, and policy actions, Canada can make meaningful progress toward addressing the opioid crisis and supporting individuals on their journey to recovery.

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