
The vaccination statistics for Barbados are being revised

Get the latest updates on the vaccination statistics for Barbados as the Ministry of Health and Wellness is revising their records. Due to duplication issues, the number of individuals who received at least one dose may slightly decrease. Stay informed as minor variances in the data are expected until the revision process is completed. The Ministry is committed to providing accurate information to the public.

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New Update



The Ministry of Health and Wellness (MHW) is making adjustments to the number of individuals who have been vaccinated against the COVID virus due to duplication in their records.


According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Health on Monday, "occasional connectivity issues with its internet have led to a number of vaccination postings being duplicated."

As the records are being revised the number of people on the daily dashboard who have received at least one dose will "slightly decrease".

"Since June 13, when the data screening process began, 71.2 percent of the eligible population has received at least one dose."

According to the release, "there will be minor variances in the number of people who have received at least one dose until this process is completed."

The Ministry of Health and Wellness stated it would continue to give the public accurate info as it became available.

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