
The Patcha Foundation will serve the people of Cameroon free of cost

Get free healthcare services in Cameroon from the Patcha Foundation. Doctors, nurses, and volunteers will be providing health checkups from June 12 to June 15, 2022. No cost involved.

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From June 12, 2022, to June 15, 2022, the Patcha Foundation will be in Nkongsamba, Cameroon for a charity healthcare project. The project will be staffed with doctors, nurses as well as a sizeable number of volunteers. Anyone who is interested to visit the project for a health checkup is welcome.

The Patcha Foundation has a core belief that the needs of the community are of the highest importance. The entire team that will be in Cameroon for the above-mentioned dates is committed to serving people without money coming into question. True to their belief that good health is of the utmost importance for efficient and good living conditions, the Foundation will serve the people of Cameroon free of cost for the length of their project.

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