
Reviewing the challenges and successes of Ireland's healthcare system

Discovering the challenges and progress of Ireland's healthcare system through patient experiences and expert insights. Exploring the impact of Sláintecare and the need for improvements in access, equity, and quality of care. Examining issues such as overcrowding, patient activism, mental health support, and the impact of climate change on health. Unveiling the perspectives of healthcare professionals and patients, highlighting the need for transformation and patient-centered care. The Journal delves into the complexities of Ireland's healthcare system and the ongoing efforts to enhance it.

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Over the last couple of months, The Journal has been examining various elements of Ireland's healthcare system. 


For many years, the country's health system has suffered severe strain.

The introduction of Sláintecare continues to make progress, with significant changes and improvements in the works. The introduction of Sláintecare has been five years in the making, with the goal of replacing Ireland's two-tiered healthcare system with one that is based on clinical need. Patients may not be witnessing adequate favorable difference currently.

According to a poll executed by Ireland Thinks/The Good Information Project, approximately two-thirds of participants said the nation's healthcare scheme was worsening.


Only 7 percent of participants believe that healthcare service is improving. 

The poll uncovered that those who do not have insurance, females, and lower-income earners topped the figure that said healthcare services are getting worse when asked to compare Ireland's healthcare service with what it was five years ago.

Regardless that many individuals believed healthcare services had become worse, opinions were mixed when questioned about personal experiences with the system.


Only 30 percent of those who used the system gave it a thumbs up. The other 26 percent reported a terrible experience.  

The Good Information Project's major focus was on the healthcare, and one of the organization's first tasks was to gather stories from people who had interacted with the system – both positively and negatively. 

We asked for one improvement people would love to experience in the Irish healthcare system in an open discussion thread. You may see the replies to that topic in this article's comments


We also conducted interviews with healthcare professionals and others in the sector about a singular transformation they anticipate in the healthcare system.

Some participants in the study preferred improved opportunities for GPs and a better working environment for healthcare staff as well as improved access to medical internships from outside the European Union for healthcare staff.

The patients were at the forefront of our reportage. We desired to maintain the patient's view at the center of our scope, thus, we held a discussion about the significance of patient activism in the Open Newsroom.


An online discussion hosted by Noteworthy with health and science reporter Maria Delaney as moderator sought to identify where healthcare services were falling short.

The panel addressed how to incorporate the knowledge of Irish healthcare users in order to include them in the design and execution of transformation and guidelines in the sector.

Maria discussed overcrowding in the hospital system with a particular emphasis on University Hospital Limerick, which has the most people on trolleys.


The managing editor of the Journal Media, Susan Daly, also addressed the director of the European Institute of Women's Health on how to transform a healthcare system to make it more equal and available.

Peggy Maguire addressed a number of issues including the historical lack of women and older individuals in clinical tests, campaigns for gender-specific reporting of symptoms in cardiology, and women's privilege to information.

Healthcare is a broad topic that involves so many aspects of life. We researched how climate change will affect the health of people in Ireland. Another component addressed the stigma and lack of aid for the treatment of obesity in Ireland, as well as dissatisfaction with it. 


Working extremely long shifts, as well as the increased pressure that GPs are under at the moment, was described by a junior doctor.

Many healthcare specialists, on the other hand, explained why they decided to move abroad and pursue a new role.

The Journal investigated the possible over-reliance of Ireland on the voluntary sector and mental health groups to deliver care.

It's evident that the voices of those who will be affected by Ireland's healthcare system, and the actions necessary to change people's attitudes toward them, are still being heard.

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