
New cancer etection Method  Found in Estonia

Discover a groundbreaking cancer detection method in Estonia using antibodies. Learn how Estonian scientists are studying antibodies to spot the disease early and predict immunotherapy efficacy. Find out how antibody patterns can be used to predict cancer and aid in early detection and treatment. Explore the potential of bioinformatics as the future of medicine.

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Antibodies and cancer are being studied by Estonian scientists in the hopes of spotting the disease early.


Antibodies were discovered during the coronavirus pandemic. They are our body's first line of defense against illness. Antibody profiles, like fingerprints, are diverse because diseases affect immune systems and bodies react differently. Health and life status can be gleaned from them.

As a data analyst for Dxlabs, Jürgen Tuvikene is responsible for collecting and analyzing these. Tuvikene is able to recognize a certain individual based on the antibody pattern they produce.

Our immune systems bear the scars of disease, and these scars could be used to our advantage in the future. The scientist's research at Dxlabs biotech company, where he has collected 5,000 blood samples, is funded by the Intersectoral Mobility grant.


Protobios is helping him with his cancer research. Immunotherapy for cancer is a popular treatment option involving antibody infusion or immune system training to combat cancer.

Immunotherapy has a success rate of 10% to 20%, though it's not clear why. Similarly, the reason why some people respond to immunotherapy is a mystery. Researchers focused on antibodies since they are associated to immunity.

A study by Protobios CEO Kaia Palm was published in mid-May. Antibody patterns can be used to predict cancer and immunotherapy efficacy, according to a new study.


According to Palm, the company is testing the effectiveness of skin cancer immunotherapy-created antibodies. "Antibodies against melanoma proteins are present in people with cancer."

It may soon be possible to predict which cancer patients would benefit from immunotherapy based on more data. Only those patients who have antibodies or who have shown a positive response to immunotherapy would be allowed to continue treatment. This information aids in the early detection and treatment of sickness. There is a dearth of cancer antibody research.

As the name suggests, Tuvikese has combined the human blood of a single person with billions of bacterial viruses and random protein chains. Antibodies in the blood are linked to these substances. Protein chains in a blood sample can be detected as antibody-bound. There are millions of protein strands that display antibody patterns in a single blood sample.


Tuvikene emphasized: "We're combing through all of this data in search of trends. We can link antibodies to a disease if a patient has a large number of antibodies that bind to the protein patterns of diseased tissue."

Although the immune system is capable of fighting cancer, the disease has adapted to dodge it, according to the expert.

According to the researcher, early cancer detection will be possible in the near future. Despite its small population, Estonia boasts a big gene pool. Increasing disease prevention and treatment would be made easier by combining genetic and immunological data.


Antibodies, unlike DNA, reveal a person's life experiences. Treatment and prevention of disease are impossible without them.

"In the past, knowing one's genes was considered to be the ultimate knowledge. That the environment has an effect is now well-known; a smaller amount Inflammation can be caused by negative thoughts and feelings", Penn researchers found. Tumors thrive in an environment of inflammation.

Tuvikene predicted that bioinformatics would be the future of medicine. Numerous lives will be saved as a result of the information.

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