
Laos attends UN General Assembly HIV/AIDS session

Laos participates in UN General Assembly HIV/AIDS session to address the global battle against HIV/AIDS and progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3, ensuring good health and well-being. The session highlights the importance of international collaboration and increased funding for technology transfer, medications, capacity-building, research, and development. Despite progress, HIV infections and AIDS-related fatalities are still a concern. The international community reaffirms its commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS through vaccine discovery, medical treatment, and investment in research and technology. Solidarity and shared responsibility are crucial in scaling up universal health care.

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This meeting delivered a critical worldwide update on the battle against HIV/AIDS and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 on "Good Health and Well-Being," ensuring that the world is on pace to eliminate HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.


The President of the 76th General Assembly Session officially inaugurated the meeting during the first session. The General Debate was then held, which was chaired by Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Lao People's Democratic Republic to the United Nations. Several UN member states spoke on behalf of regional organisations, emphasising the significance of increased international collaboration in achieving global health-related goals, such as the 2030 aim of ending the AIDS epidemic.

The Assembly recognised that the fight against HIV/AIDS is still underfunded and that more should be done to aid technology transfer, enhance access to medications in developing countries, and scale up capacity-building, research, and development.

Despite tremendous progress, UNAIDS data indicate that HIV infections and AIDS-related fatalities are not decreasing at a fast enough rate to eliminate the pandemic by 2030.


As a result, by fully carrying out the UN Declaration's obligations, the international community reaffirmed its shared commitment and shared duty in the battle against HIV/AIDS.

The most important tasks are the discovery of an HIV/AIDS vaccine, adequate medical treatment for all, and more investment in research, development, technology, and innovation.

In order to increase and equally allocate resources to scale up universal health care, shared responsibility and solidarity among all nations are more important than ever. Every year on December 1st, the United Nations commemorates World AIDS Day.

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